Tekovské Lužany

City / Town is located in the district Levice, Nitriansky county.

List of the cemeteries in the village Tekovské Lužany

The city/Community - Cemetery Zip Graves Deceased Last change
Tekovské Lužany - Cintorín Tekovské Lužany - Evanjelický 93541 313 503 5.8.2024
Tekovské Lužany - Cintorín Bratskej jednoty babtistov 93541 50 108 25.11.2021
Tekovské Lužany - Cintorín Tekovské Lužany katolícky 93541 947 1581 17.9.2024
Tekovské Lužany - Cintorín Tekovské Lužany reformovanej cirkvi 93541 731 1286 29.4.2024


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