
City / Town is located in the district Považská Bystrica, Trenčiansky county.

List of the cemeteries in the village Udiča

The city/Community - Cemetery Zip Graves Deceased Last change
Udiča - Cintorín Udiča Veľká 01801 629 1034 28.10.2024
Udiča - Cintorín Udiča Malá 01801 277 479 26.9.2024
Udiča - Cintorín Upohlav 01801 139 228 20.1.2025
Udiča - Cintorín Prosné 1 01801 189 351 27.1.2025
Udiča - Udiča Prosné 2 01801 223 246 17.7.2023