Abrahám - Cintorín Abrahám
Cemetery Cintorín Abrahám is located in the village Abrahám, district Galanta, Trnavský county.
In the graveyard is buried 1736 deceased in 773 graves.
The oldest mention comes from 1868.
The cemetery administrator is Obec Abrahám, Abrahám 52, 92545 Abrahám. Administrator / Municipality has only this cemetery in its administration.
For information on grave sites, deceased, leases
or other information, contact the cemetery administrator:
✆ +421 31 78 57 220, 0911 875 757
✉ urad@abraham.sk
🌐 http://www.abraham.sk
Photo gallery
Map of cemetery
The date the data was last updated: 14.1.2025
Color marking:
A grave with a paid lease and the deceased.
A grave with unpaid lease and deceased.
A grave with a paid lease and no deceased.
A grave with unpaid lease and no deceased.
A grave without a lease with the deceased.
A grave with an unpaid lease after a long time.
A grave without a lease and without the deceased.
A grave with unpaid lease and deceased.
A grave with a paid lease and no deceased.
A grave with unpaid lease and no deceased.
A grave without a lease with the deceased.
A grave with an unpaid lease after a long time.
A grave without a lease and without the deceased.

List of deceased
Grave number | Name, Surname, Birth name | Date of death | Age |
A / 201 | Magdaléna Repová rod. Doktorová | 28.8.2024 | 77 |
C / 161 | Ján Šido | 19.8.2024 | 64 |
D / 12 | Viliam Blaho | 15.7.2024 | 81 |
C / 5 | Helena Kopáčiková rod. Vrbovská | 14.7.2024 | 93 |
C / 122 | Ružena Čambálová | 2.7.2024 | 66 |
D / 109 | Helena Lopušná rod. Krivosudská | 15.6.2024 | 88 |
B / 25 | Igor Mrva | 1.6.2024 | 52 |
C / 135 | Peter Hudcovský | 10.3.2024 | 74 |
C / 59 | Milan Janík | 2.3.2024 | 60 |
C / 33 | Anton Štefunko | 29.2.2024 | 61 |