Slatinka nad Bebravou - Pohrebisko Slatinka nad Berravou - Starý
Cemetery Pohrebisko Slatinka nad Berravou - Starý is located in the village Slatinka nad Bebravou, district Bánovce nad Bebravou, Trenčiansky county.
In the graveyard is buried 0 deceased in 0 graves.
The oldest mention comes from -.
The cemetery administrator is Obec Slatinka nad Bebravou, Slatinka nad Bebravou č.103, 95653 Slatinka nad Bebravou. Except of this graveyard he has in its administration the graveyard (s) Pohrebisko Slatinka nad Bebravou (131 grave places)
For information on grave sites, deceased, leases
or other information, contact the cemetery administrator:
✆ 038/7663249, 0905/767224
Photo gallery
Map of cemetery
The date the data was last updated: -
Cemetery map is not available yet. We are working on its deployment.
List of deceased
List of deceased and grave sites is not yet available, we are working on its deployment.