Horné Semerovce - Cintorín Horné Semerovce

Cemetery Cintorín Horné Semerovce is located in the village Horné Semerovce, district Levice, Nitriansky county.
In the graveyard is buried 654 deceased in 428 graves.
The oldest mention comes from 1908.

At this cemetery, the administrator has activated the service of publishing lease contracts for grave sites. List of current contracts you can see here

The cemetery administrator is Obec Horné Semerovce, Horné Semerovce 100, 93584 Horné Semerovce. Administrator / Municipality has only this cemetery in its administration.

For information on grave sites, deceased, leases
or other information, contact the cemetery administrator:
✆ 036 742 04 10
✉ hornesemerovce@hornesemerovce.sk
🌐 http://www.hornesemerovce.sk/

Photo gallery

images not available

Map of cemetery

The date the data was last updated: 13.12.2024

Color marking:
 A grave with a paid lease and the deceased.
 A grave with unpaid lease and deceased.
 A grave with a paid lease and no deceased.
 A grave with unpaid lease and no deceased.
 A grave without a lease with the deceased.
 A grave with an unpaid lease after a long time.
 A grave without a lease and without the deceased.
sviecka lighted candle on grave

List of deceased

Grave number Name, Surname, Birth name Date of death Age
B / 73 Gizela Szabados 1.8.2024 81
C / 9 Margita Gyürky rod. Pásztor 2024 85
B / 223 Árpád Galgóczi 2024 80
A / 57 Imrich Pásztor 2024 70
A / 29 Mária Baloghová rod. Gulyášová 17.7.2023 64
C / 69 Helena Pásztorová rod. Hulková 12.6.2023 67
B / 218 Mária Bystrianská rod. Máteová 25.3.2023 86
B / 149 Mária Gruzman rod. Sárik 28.1.2023 82
B / 49 Alžbeta Mihalovičová rod. Červenáková 13.1.2023 80
B / 22 Margita Kovácsová rod. Kotrová 16.12.2022 75

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