Hrachovište - Cintorín pri kostole

Cemetery Cintorín pri kostole is located in the village Hrachovište, district Nové Mesto n.Váhom, Trenčiansky county.
In the graveyard is buried 808 deceased in 443 graves.
The oldest mention comes from 1816.

At this cemetery, the administrator has activated the service of publishing lease contracts for grave sites. List of current contracts you can see here

The cemetery administrator is Obec Hrachovište, Hrachovište 255, 91616 Hrachovište. Except of this graveyard he has in its administration the graveyard (s) Cintorín na hôrke (168 grave places)  

For information on grave sites, deceased, leases
or other information, contact the cemetery administrator:
✆ 032 / 779 03 02

Photo gallery

okolie1.jpg okolie2.jpg okolie3.jpg okolie4.jpg

Map of cemetery

The date the data was last updated: 5.11.2024

Color marking:
 A grave with a paid lease and the deceased.
 A grave with unpaid lease and deceased.
 A grave with a paid lease and no deceased.
 A grave with unpaid lease and no deceased.
 A grave without a lease with the deceased.
 A grave with an unpaid lease after a long time.
 A grave without a lease and without the deceased.
sviecka lighted candle on grave

List of deceased

Grave number Name, Surname, Birth name Date of death Age
A / 201 Ivan Arbet 21.10.2024 51
A / 60 Zdenko Suchánek 9.10.2024 69
B / 18 Helena Minarechová rod. Kolníková 23.8.2024 95
A / 173 Štefan Kolník 30.6.2024 86
B / 240 Anna Dulínková rod. Gašparová 9.6.2024 51
B / 228 Ľubomír Urbančík 6.6.2024 72
B / 230 Eleonóra Kolníková 4.6.2024 92
A / 192 František Arbet 4.4.2024 84
B / 85 Miloš Kolník 18.1.2024 37
B / 111 Kamila Zvončeková rod. Frnčíková 8.1.2024 82

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