Tisinec - Cintorín Tisinec

Cemetery Cintorín Tisinec is located in the village Tisinec, district Stropkov, Prešovský county.
In the graveyard is buried 231 deceased in 171 graves.
The oldest mention comes from 1906.

The cemetery administrator is Obec Tisinec, Tisinec 1, 09101 Stropkov. Administrator / Municipality has only this cemetery in its administration.

For information on grave sites, deceased, leases
or other information, contact the cemetery administrator:
✆ 054 / 742 22 89
✉ obec.tisinec@tisinec.sk
🌐 http://www.tisinec.sk/

Photo gallery

images not available

Map of cemetery

The date the data was last updated: 13.10.2022

Color marking:
 A grave with a paid lease and the deceased.
 A grave with unpaid lease and deceased.
 A grave with a paid lease and no deceased.
 A grave with unpaid lease and no deceased.
 A grave without a lease with the deceased.
 A grave with an unpaid lease after a long time.
 A grave without a lease and without the deceased.
sviecka lighted candle on grave


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List of deceased

Grave number Name, Surname, Birth name Date of death Age
106 Mária Bujdošová rod. Birošová 27.8.2008 88
78 Anna Birošová rod. Kačmárová 15.5.2008 81
142 Albert Jurečko 1.4.2008 33
15 Michal Jurečko 17.11.2007 65
123 Ján Bujdoš 6.9.2007 70
132 Ján Pališin 28.8.2007 70
95 Michal Prusák 3.1.2007 81
131 Juraj Vysokaj 1.9.2006 69
100 Ján Kačmár 1.7.2006 81
67 Juraj Palko 14.4.2006 76

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